Snap, Crackle, Pop: Bald Eagle Nest Building

I’d been so excited by all the heron nests easily accessible around town that I hadn’t given the eagles much thought. All that changed one morning as I heard a snap, crackle, pop and looked overhead to see a bald eagle flying through the air with his prize held tightly between his talons. Mid flight, he grasped this twig and kept on flying right over my head! I was amazed and then started wondering what would happen if he bit off more than he can chew? Has an eagle ever tried this maneuver and then been stopped midflight by a branch not breaking and tumbled ungracefully to the ground or into a tree? I’ll probably never know…it’s a bit like the question, “If a tree falls in the woods and no-one is around to see it, did it really happen?” Either way, it was a great experience!

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