Eden, South Dakota: Sun Dogs, Around Town, Icicles, Wind, and Snow Drifts-Part II
Owning two rambunctious, medium sized dogs made it all but impossible to stay inside during our winter break in Eden, South Dakota. In order for them to let off steam, we needed to brave the elements everyday. It became a challenge to see how long they could handle the temperatures outside and how long we could handle it outside. I tried to bring my camera most of the times we walked with them and attempted to capture the details of this cold, winter landscape.
Around Town
We didn’t see too many people out and about on our loops through town. This dogs view pretty much summed up how most of the people in Eden were spending their time; tucked away in their warm houses.
Walking through downtown gave us many indications what life this winter has been like. Two to three foot snowdrifts lined the streets, snow plastered buildings with texture, like stucco to a home, icicles dangled from homes and street signs.
Sun Dogs
Luckily, no one is out to be confused by this sign
When the sun did manage to peek out those first couple of days it was glorious!
On a normal winter visit we would venture out to the many lakes in this area for our daily walks. This winter the weather kept us to the town proper. Leaving the safety of the trees and homes would only leave us open to a brutal, powerful wind .
Bad weather eventually has to get better. After a couple of days the wind and snow stopped. While still extremely cold, the sun started to come out and light up the landscape. Due to an ice storm a couple of weeks prior the branches of the trees glistened in the light and would tinkle in the breeze. It was a sight to see and hear!
With clearer skies we started to go further afield. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen icicles that didn’t hang directly down. That tells me something about the wind in South Dakota!
Snow Drifts
Anywhere you walked you would come across these crusty, wind driven snow drifts. It became a challenge to find interesting patterns to photograph. It reminded me of sand dunes and their ever changing shapes.
Winter in South Dakota can be long and rough. Despite brutal wind, extreme temperatures, and constant ground blizzards, beauty can always be found in the landscape. One only needs to be brave enough to go outside to see it! ;)
Part III of my South Dakota road trip will follow shortly. I’ll have more photos from walks around town, beautiful pink mornings, and some more abstract snow textures.