Eden, South Dakota: Deer, Sunrises, Hay Bales, Icicles, Grain Bins, Snow Drifts, and Abstract Snow Textures-Part III
Eden, South Dakota was the perfect backdrop for photography this winter. It’s a good thing I only visited for a week or I might have taken thousands of photos instead of hundreds. The sunrises, the sunsets, the deer, the hay bales, the dangling icicles, the abstract snow textures, and the grain bins around town provide the backdrop for this section of my blog.
One of the big differences of this South Dakota trip was the amount of deer wandering around town. Every time we walked the dogs we scared some lying beneath the pine trees trying to stay warm and out of the wind, or from a yard while they were foraging for food. Usually, these deer are out in the fields and woods but due to the deep snow, blowing winds, and below freezing temperatures, droves of deer had come into town.

These deer were returning to the safety of the forest after a night spent in town. I can’t imagine how many were sitting there on the edge of the woods. They blended perfectly with the forest but if you squinted your eyes really hard you could start to make out their numerous figures on the fringes of the wood. Sadly, I don’t know how many of the deer will be tough enough to survive this South Dakota winter.
Hay Bales
Walking down a county road we came upon these hay bales in a field. It looked like the snow had been sprayed on them like sugar on frosted shredded wheat. I love how this photo depicts the dreary, winter South Dakota day. Everything is the same color!
Around Town
When the skies were less dreary, the sun shone brilliantly on the snow covered landscape around town. Pink from the sky reflected off the snow onto the trees, buildings, and icicles in the morning. Even things that weren’t that interesting to look at around town became beautiful as the light warmed everything around it.

Snow Drifts
After many days of snowing and blowing, the town of Eden was left with many frozen, compact drifts of snow. The interesting shapes drew me in along with that tinge of pink from the morning sunrise.
Icicles & Grain Bins
Around town, the shadows of icicles on homes and the sunrise on the grain bins in town caught my eye. I couldn’t and wouldn’t put my camera down. There was so much to document around town on this trip to Eden, South Dakota.

The sun was vivid and bright once the brunt of the storm moved past. The moisture in the air and the cool temperatures brought out stunning pinks and blues in the sky.
Abstract Snow Textures
While the deer, the town, and the surrounding landscapes gave me ample opportunities to photograph, I couldn’t stop there. I had to photograph the many and varied abstract snow textures. My eye automatically turned to the ground and the frozen, wind blown snow. The peaks and valleys, the textures, and the play of shadow and light were mesmerizing. These abstract snow textures were only a few that I took as I walked around Eden.
This bit of the blog was devoted to the natural elements found in and around the town of Eden, South Dakota. The ample wildlife (deer), the crusty hay bales, the icicles glowing in the morning and evening sun found on many homes around the town of Eden, the grain bins accented by the brilliant morning sunrises, and the close up (macro) views of the abstract snow textures provided the narrative of this section. The final part of the South Dakota blog will include my faithful, furry friends and my family as we take on the frozen landscape in a more light hearted and fun fashion.